Sunday, October 7, 2012

Where. To. Begin....

Sorry for the delay... I have been doing great. Busy and great. Great and busy. I wrote this like a week....  or more like two weeks ago and don't feel like changing it. Training is over. I'm back at site, exhausted from the fun times of training/socializing and hopefully back in the grove of things here tomorrow. :)

Sometimes when I have the time to write, I don't and I admit to being slothy (slothful, I know..) then amidst sitting and watching the Russian version of Jerry Springer with a Russian host sporting a velvet blazer and skinny-tie-wearing-Beatles-wannabe outfit and the contestants curse at each other with toothless snarls and confused kids get passed around on peoples laps as often as the bread basket at dinnertime, my writing muse just makes me want to start clicking away at my keyboard. I had no clue what was going on between the "lovely" bunch as the show was in Russian and not Romanian (one of those times where I wished I was chosen to learn Russian out of our group) but I did get a kick out of the bladder control medicine commercial that followed with the main actor dude guy driving around a 1960's American (convertible) Mustang. Made me feel right at home, corny bladder advertisement and all.

I'm a day into staying two weeks with my original host family and my training village for a bit more limba Romana education and training for Peace Corps. Some people were bitching about coming back (surprise surprise) but I am delighted to. I love hanging out with this family, its one of the few times we are all together and I could use some ass kicking in the language department. I posted an open invite to the volunteers back for training cribbage and a beer if interested and I got great response... Hopefully I can pull a "Hanes" and either have a hand of all fives like Ryan or skunk people like Grandma :)

Last night I came into town for the arrival of the parents of the year before's volunteer (who lived with my training host fam the year before, sorry if this hard to understand, my English is fading rapidly) and helped welcome them with a little masa (food eating good time, masa=table). I had flashbacks of when I showed up to their house for the first time, multi-jet lagged, very much welcomed and completely bewildered by the people with funny words coming out of their mouths. I knew the bug-eyed look well and did some reflection on how far I have come with the new language and new digs strangely similar yet wildly different then the US. I'm looking forward to hosting friends and family when they come :) :)

Following the masa I had this funny dream where I was back to work at Quarter Horse Congress (a big horse show held in Ohio every year in October) working for Chick's and admiring the Packers/Aaron Rodgers horse grooming brushes, clothing and horse equipment as I was setting up the store. Talk about goofy. I guess I must be shopping deprived (this is not a bad thing, my friends and I got excited when we splurged and purchased much needed sunglasses the other day gratitude 101), more interested in football then I thought and reflecting on where my life was a year ago.

Oh yeaaa...Anddd....Since I wrote last, I had my international choir debut in the center of town and it went great. Only two songs followed by cute kids dressed in fairy tale type costumes and teenagers in traditional Moldovan clothing (like in the picture in my last post) for the Day of our Language, an easy intro. Pictures will follow.. soon.. someday...I assume more fun is to come with the choir when my city celebrates Hram, a day based around the official saint of the church in my town. I don't know much more about it other then its a pretty big deal (food fest) and its the 14th of October.

Enough. I am so far behind on this little blog its not cool. I debate the efficiency of a video blog over writing. I am too putzy and take advantage of clicking draft on this thing instead of just posting right away. More delayed news to follow soon. It will include mumblings of riding ponies, potential fishing and other random acts of funness.

Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground."- Rumi